Cabriolet - Rhea 750 Open
Incompatible with the big bimini due to its congestion, it allows to protect itself from sprays, and navigate regardless of weather conditions.
L’équipementier nautique de référence
Incompatible with the big bimini due to its congestion, it allows to protect itself from sprays, and navigate regardless of weather conditions.
It allows you to enjoy the cockpit while being protected from the sun. Make life on board more comfortable, especially for friendly moments outside the boat.
Incompatible with a possible cabriolet because of its congestion (pronounced cover area). It allows you to enjoy the cockpit while being protected from the sun. it makes life on board more comfortable, especially for friendly moments outside the boat.
It protects against sprays, rain or wind, anchoring, or moderate speed navigation (25 n&eliguds max) Only in addition to the large bimini specially designed by T-TOP for this boat, sold separately