It allows you to enjoy the fly while being protected from the sun, and makes life on board more comfortable, especially for friendly moments outside the boat.
Ideal to protect the square from the sun or from the weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked for extended periods, in port, dry, or throughout the winter. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
Elle protège l'intégralité de la banquette du soleil et des intempéries, elle s'utilise dès le stationnement prolongé du bateau, au port, à sec ou durant toute la période d'hivernage. Elle doit être retirée pour déplacer le bateau sur remorque.
It protects the entire seat of the sun and the weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked for extended periods, in port, dry or throughout the wintering period. It must be removed to move the boat on a trailer.
It protects the sunbathing area from the sun and bad weather, and can be used when the boat is parked for a long time, in port, on dry land or throughout the winter.
Ideal to protect the console and its instruments, it is used as soon as the boat is parked for extended periods, in port, dry, or throughout the winter. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.