Designed to protect passengers from the cockpit in navigation or anchoring, who want to enjoy the advantages of the sun without the inconveniences. Its structure, easy to install, folds against the Timonerie. Attached to the front against the wheelhouse by a rail system, it tends to the rear by straps.
PRÉCISER, LORS DE LA COMMANDE, SI LA BANQUETTE EST FIXE OU RABATTABLE Idéale pour protéger la banquette des variations climatiques, elle s'utilise dès le stationnement prolongé du bateau, au port, à sec, ou durant toute la période d'hivernage. Elle doit être retirée pour déplacer le bateau sur remorque.
It protects the sunbathing the sun and weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked long, in port, dry or throughout the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
The Sun Taud is designed to protect passengers from the cockpit in navigation or anchorage, who want to enjoy the advantages of the sun without the inconveniences. Its aluminium structure is light and easy to install, and folds against the Timonerie. Attached to the front against the wheelhouse by a rail system, the Taud de Soleil tends to the rear by straps.
The Exterior Curtains guarantee complete protection of glazing, as well as fabrics, woodwork and instruments inside the boat. They allow you to enjoy the inside of the boat, while protecting the passengers from the heat and indiscreet eyes.
It is designed to protect passengers from the cockpit in navigation or anchorage, who want to enjoy the advantages of the sun without their disadvantages.
It protects the cockpit table during mooring and wintering. It is adjusted foravoid any windfall.