It protects the whole of the seat from the sun and from the weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked, in port, dry or throughout the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
In open or closed position, it allows you to enjoy the cockpit while being protected from the sun. Make life on board more comfortable, especially for friendly moments outside the boat. Compatible with a possible convertible
Fixed cap covering the entire square of the cockpit, held on two rear supports. Acrylic canvas. Link to the wheelhouse by rail. Tensions of the canvas by loop straps and wrinkles. Polished stainless steel tubes with diameter 30 mm. Anodized aluminium rails. The cap is provided for easy access to the starboard passor.
It protects the sunbathing from the sun and from the weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked, in port, dry or during the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
Ideal to protect the entire learning post from the sun or from the weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked long, in port, dry, or throughout the winter. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.