It protects the entire Fly climatic variations, from the time of prolonged parking of the vessel: in port, dry, or throughout the winter period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
Ideal to protect the saddlery from the weather, the cover is used as soon as the boat is parked long, in port, dry, or throughout the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
Designed to protect the cockpit and barter from the wind and spray, it also protects from the sun the descent, from the cockpit to the inside of the boat.
It protects the pilot and cockpit from the sun in navigation, port and anchorage. The main canvas protects the cockpit and the rear canvas is zipped on the bimini and fixed on poles, the rear canvas is removable or rollable towards the bimini and protects up to the rear seat. A storage bag for canvases and poles is provided.
ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE SOLEIL INOX (SOLD SEPARATELY) T-TOP TALK Designed especially for this T-TOP TALK Fitted under the Sun TALK by zippers, they form a piece sheltered in the cockpit, allowing you to enjoy it at all times.