It allows you to enjoy the cockpit while being protected from the sun, and makes life on board more comfortable, especially for friendly moments outside the boat. A pair of stiffeners, in addition to the rear supports, makes it more stable in navigation.
It protects the entire seat the sun and weather, it is used as soon as the boat is parked long, in port, dry or throughout the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
INCOMPATIBLE CABRIOLET - Ideal for protecting the console and its instruments, it is used as soon as the boat is parked long, in port, dry, or throughout the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
Not adaptable on version "Evolution" 2016, it guarantees complete protection of glazing, but also of fabrics, woodwork and instruments inside the bateau.Egalement Proposed in Sunworker, it allows you to enjoy the inside of the boat, while protecting yourself from indiscreet looks.