She's protecting the console. She is used immediately after extended parkingin port, dry or throughout the wintering period.
It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer. CAUTION: Check the cover accounting according to the version of your console (see picture of console without cover).
Ideal for protecting the console and its instruments, it is used as soon as the boat is parked long, in port, dry, or throughout the winter. It's not compatible with the cabriolet. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
Ideal to protect the console, its instruments, as well as the learning post, the cover is used as soon as the boat is parked, in port, dry, or throughout the wintering period. It shall be removed to move the vessel on trailer.
The Timonerie Cap is the ideal sun protection for fishing enthusiasts. It respects the lines of the boat while protecting from the sun the 2/3 of the cockpit. Stainless steel structure, both resistant and easy to install.